Tuesday, April 10, 2012

How I Met Your Mother - Trilogy Time

I was half-watching How I Met Your Mother last night - because How I Met Your Mother merits no more than half-watching these days. Thankfully my sister, who was watching with me and paying slightly more attention to the episode, kept me straight on the time shifts. Overall, it was a weak episode - essentially an episode of How I Met Your Mother about how much How I Met Your Mother likes to play with time shifts - but not uneventful and surprisingly hopeful.

I've long assumed that the future wedding at which future Ted meets the future mother of his children is the nuptials of Barney and Robin. In fact, we know that Barney is the groom and Ted is his best man. But last night made me question that assumption.

Barney and Quinn work. The idea of Barney falling in love with a stripper is a bit clunky - it takes the lovable absurdity of his character a step too far - but Quinn's personality meshes so well with Barney's that it fails to distract me from enjoying their on-screen chemistry. I'm even starting to believe we might be saved from a dreaded Barney-Robin rekindling. Here's to hoping...

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