Sunday, July 5, 2009

Summer School at Hogwarts

With the impending release of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, I have been, for the lack of a better term, "challenged" (inside joke that will be understood by a few individuals who should be reading this blog - whether or not they are is a different matter) to read the first five Harry Potter books before the new film's release/my first opportunity to see the new film. I'm taking a "vacation" for the next week and a half, which means that I'm going home to Lancaster, PA to spend time with friends and family, and let mom buy food and things for me in an effort to save money during what is the last summer break of my life - a good topic for a later post. So, as a means of motivating myself towards completing my challenge, I plan to post at least one entry with my reactions to each novel as I read them.

I should start my reading tomorrow evening after my long drive from Boston to Lancaster, assuming I can still see straight at the end. It's probably important to mention that I've seen each of the first five movies, several times, and I am definitely a big fan. However, I have never been motivated enough to start reading the books until now. I'm reading just the first five because I do want to watch the sixth film without any knowledge of what's going to happen - and my friends who have read all of the books want me to do that too so they can enjoy my reactions to it when I see it with them.

So if you have any interest in Harry Potter, or more importantly me, I hope you'll look forward to experiencing or reliving the tales, trials and tribulations of Harry Potter with me.

1 comment:

Erin Conley said...

What a good plan for the next week :) I'll be interested to read what you think about the story, having seen the movie version first. (I'm definitely a book first kind of girl!)